Sunday, February 11, 2007

A Monday in Delhi

I cannot say that I am overjoyed to be back in Delhi. It is a huge city and we are staying in the government area of town. It is where all of the embassies for different nations are. In other words quite boring. One must take a cab to get to anything interesting, even to use internet. The hotel itself is nice. Hotel life in India is an experience. In the morning and at night there a is a man that comes and prepares the bed. Meaning the comforter is taken off folded and placed in a cupboard. The sheets are retucked and folded down. I mentioned to Kit that even though I have been here for some time now, I am still not used to the sheer number of people watching my every move. While the man was preparing the bed this morning, I went to make a cup of tea. before I could put my hand on the kettle he had scooped it away and wanted to do it for me. The same is true in the restaurants, someone to hold the tea cup, someone to pour it and another to ask if there is anything else that you need.
I realize that I should be lapping up the luxuary, but it essentially feels more like an invasion of privacy. As was the case in Kolkata, one needs to make very clear what is and is not an appropriate time to come knocking at the door with anything from sheets to fruit trays. The special treatment is time consuming, and money sucking... especially when it is things that I would just rather do myself...I am quite homely in the fact that I can make myself my own cup of tea haha.

I have been suffering from a head cold and it was made worse by the loopty-dos the airplane made on the landing. We were caught in some bad weather that made my ears scream. Delhi has recieved quite a bit of rain and the temperature has dropped. I am not at this point going to complain about the cold (particularly because I am aware that there has been some nasty weather at home) but it is cold by Indian standards. Kit and I will be quite happy if it stays this way for awhile. It is still quite Canadian standards warm,


1 comment:

mom said...

Your blog is great. Love reading it and seeing the pics. mom