Monday, January 22, 2007

Overnight in TO

So, I am overnight in Toronto. Off to a late start with a delay in the airport (as always in my world!!). I managed to go out to dinner with Andre and my sister at a Greek restaurant with flaming Sagnaki and the whole gig, it was quite nice. It was also the first time I met my sister's boyfriend, which was a relief considering she uprooted her life out of Calgary and moved it out here. It looks like a nice life...although I can't say that I could ever get used to the transportation situation. Taira picked me up from the airport and Andre drove us home from the restaurant. Both experiences were slighly different than a drive from the Akropol to Waldeck.
I have few things to pick up here in TO before heading back to the airport. I thought I would sneak another posting on this blog, just in case I can't when I leave the country.
I am going to play with some of the pictures as well, and see if I can load them...keep your fingers crossed, it will be my test drive for pictures coming to you from India.

later gaters

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