Friday, January 26, 2007

Jet lagged in Delhi

India! I have arrived safe and sound. However, I am suffering somewhat from jet lag. I am groggy when I am supposed to be awake and wide awake when I am supposed to be sleeping. Somwhere in the groginess we have manged to find an internet place.
I had a long flight and in the mix of geting picked up grabbed the wrong suitcase. I will exchange it tomorrow when we fly out.

Tomorrow at 5 am I will leaving for Mizoram for the first PDP In Aizwal. I am not sure about the internet there. It is a small city and quite remote. I will take pcitures to make up for the lapse in communication.

I was very lucky on the plane, I sat next to a Hindi actor from Vancouver. He was going to shoot some scenes in Panjab. We had about 20 hours sleeping beside each other and eating semi-good plane food so I got to know him quite well. I hope to see him again whenI return to Delhi..or Canada. He gave me his number in case there are any problems... I am really hoping there won't be any problems!!
He taught me some phrases that would help me in India: Ka Hal ha ( How are you) and Sukria ( thank-you) and the most important one he said was Manu Pata Ha ( I know what you are saying) He said to say it even if I didn't becasue they would be careful about what they would say in front of me. He also told me India Sona Laga ( India is very beautiful) I have seen some of the beauty but I have also witnessed the smog and the traffic. As well, Kit was unfortunate to have a dead cockroach in her room this morning..we may be switching rooms when we return to Delhi.

So I will try and post some more info soon... but it will depend on the technology of this new world I am in.

peace and love,


Mom said...

great to hear from you. enjoy that awesome Indian food. Be safe. Love you

Hez said...

It's a relief to hear that you made it there safely. We miss you already. Remember...when in India the most important thing is to use the scent of sound...

Da Sista said...

A Bollywood actor...WHO???... Jeeva??