Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Foggy Times

Well, teaching teaching in a second language is quite the feat, but we are managing. I keep give them energizers as mental breaks and it makes them laugh for the rest of the day. I did an energy builder called the High Five Fiver. I gave them five things. They had to High Five when they found them on each other. They went crazy with it. We also did a People Bingo and Snow bal review

Its those things that are exciting and give me energy. The language barrier is a huge and it is often difficult to know if they understand. I think at times they make fun of the way we say things because they will burst out laughing and we are not always sure why. They get so excited at the new concepts that it makes me very emotional towatch

Kit, my teaching partner has been suffering with insomnia. At first we thought it was jet lag and now we think it is the malaria pills. I do not know how she is managing to still function. I am sleeping and still finding it strenuous.

I have become a celebrity because I have been on TV and in the newspaper here. That means that the waiters don't want a tip they want a photo! They don't know what my name is but they want a picture with me... strange world. As you can see I have not figured out how to flip the pictures around...sorry. It took a long time to load, I will try a few more. If you turn your head sideways and look you can see that the view from my balcony. it doesn't do it justice. The whole city is on the sides of incredible dips and curves. The houses jet out metres with no supports. In all of my life I have never seen anything like it. I do not know how these suspended building don't shift and crumble under the movement of the earth.

Currently the whole city is enveloped in fog and the flights out have been canceled out. We are worried it won't clear and we will be stranded here. Canada is not advising road travel in this area because of violent activity... we are keeping our fingers crossed that the fog clears.

This picture is of Eswarin and me. He is the head of the AIPTF and is considered its "Father" there are almost 3 million teachers in this union. He says that he will continue to go to states that request him. He told me a story about one state that was very volatile and he was warned not to go. He went to meet with the teachers there... he said if they need him, he will come. When he arrived there were 15 bodies covered with sheets in the airport. During his meeting, outside the rebels and the militia were fighting and shooting while he was conducting it... he is a short, but mighty man. He believes in uniting the teachers of India and he is an advocate for women in leadership roles in a country where they are not equal.
I admire him a great deal. I think of how many times I have take the STF for granted, and I see these teachers fighting to have voice, fighting for peace, and for the safety and development of the children. It has touched me deeply to see this struggle and be a part of the process of change and development in this country. Mizoram people asked Eswarin "Please don't forget about us." They have tried three times to get this PDP in here and we made it the next step is whether we will make it out.
yours in Aizwal,

ps. where is the photo??? argh! Maybe next time, internet time is up.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Aizwal, Mizoram

Getting here has not been easy. The luggage was a much bigger problem than I thought it would be. Lost luggage in India required me to sign my name 15 times and fill out four forms that had to be stamped in four different areas of the airport and passed by 6 armed guards that had to initial each form....point being: missed flight to Aizwal.
It was all good in the end. Kit went on ahead and I stayed back in Delhi. I went for lunch with Kapool and his son and talked politics, economics and social life.... we were then followed from the restaurant by 3 young men that took a fancy to me. I being oblivious ( and not speaking Hindi) was clueles until Kapool pulled the car to a halt int he middle of a busy delhi street ( which is quite amazing really... no one stays in their own lane, ever! Kapool and son proceeded to yell at these men while I locked the doors and tried not to make eye contact with the crowd. For just one moment I was a little scared. They returned to the car and apologized..."They are nonsense men, speaking nonsense and they needed to be told it will not be tolerated. You are our guest and we will not put up with it." Sometimes not speaking Hindi is a very goode thing becaue i quite sure some nasty words were exchanged.

I left on my flight for Aizwal the following morning. It was foggy and we ended up circling Calcutta for and hour before landing. I arrived in the airport in the midst of chaos and concern. my connector fight was leaving in five minutes! So, I budded my way through security and the private room for ladies' security check ( very interesting) to race my way and find out that my flight was 7 0r 8 in line to leave... i had a little bit of a wait.

The wait was worth it because I entered this little tribal state and it is beautiful. Except the whole city is built into a cliff and it is bigger than Saskatoon. Hair pin curves the whole way back from the airport: 30km drive took us an hour.

Our first day was very successful. English is very difficult... they only speak and write mizo. But the people are very friendly and are very excited that we are here.
I was attempting to upload pictures but this computer is not cooperating..and the keys keep skipping... so maybe next post there will be pics


Friday, January 26, 2007

Jet lagged in Delhi

India! I have arrived safe and sound. However, I am suffering somewhat from jet lag. I am groggy when I am supposed to be awake and wide awake when I am supposed to be sleeping. Somwhere in the groginess we have manged to find an internet place.
I had a long flight and in the mix of geting picked up grabbed the wrong suitcase. I will exchange it tomorrow when we fly out.

Tomorrow at 5 am I will leaving for Mizoram for the first PDP In Aizwal. I am not sure about the internet there. It is a small city and quite remote. I will take pcitures to make up for the lapse in communication.

I was very lucky on the plane, I sat next to a Hindi actor from Vancouver. He was going to shoot some scenes in Panjab. We had about 20 hours sleeping beside each other and eating semi-good plane food so I got to know him quite well. I hope to see him again whenI return to Delhi..or Canada. He gave me his number in case there are any problems... I am really hoping there won't be any problems!!
He taught me some phrases that would help me in India: Ka Hal ha ( How are you) and Sukria ( thank-you) and the most important one he said was Manu Pata Ha ( I know what you are saying) He said to say it even if I didn't becasue they would be careful about what they would say in front of me. He also told me India Sona Laga ( India is very beautiful) I have seen some of the beauty but I have also witnessed the smog and the traffic. As well, Kit was unfortunate to have a dead cockroach in her room this morning..we may be switching rooms when we return to Delhi.

So I will try and post some more info soon... but it will depend on the technology of this new world I am in.

peace and love,

Life of Curry

India! I have arrive safe and sound. However, I am suffering somewhat from jet lag. I am groggy when I am supposed to be awake and wide awake when I am supposed to be sleeping. Somwhere in the groginess we have manged to find an internet place.
I had a long flight and in the mix of geting picked up grabbed the wrong suitcase. I will exchange it tomorrow when we fly out.

Tomorrow at 5 am I will leaving for Mizoram for the first PDP In Aizwal. I am not sure about the internet there. It is a small city and quite remote.

I was very lucky on the plane, I sat next to a Hindi actor from Vancouver. He was going to shoot some scenes in Panjab and visit family. He taught me some phrases that would help me in India: Ka Hal ha ( How are you) and Sukria ( thank-you) and the most important one he said was Manu Pata Ha ( I know what you are saying) He said to say it even if I didn't becasue they would be careful about what they would say in front of me. He also told me India Sona Laga ( India is very beautiful) I have seen some of the beauty but I have also witnessed the smog and the traffic. As well, Kit was unfortunate to have a dead cockroach in her room this morning..we may be switching rooms when we return to Delhi.

So I will try and post some more info soon... but it will depend on the technology of this new world I am in.

peace and love,

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Airport Good-byes

Airport good-byes!

Mom and Dad driving me around and saying good bye!

Cypress Family Picture

So my first attempt to upload a picture is one of my family! This picture makes me a little sad because it was my last trip with Vega, my dog that was killed last June. This picture is of our family trip to Cypress last spring. It looks like it is all a go!! Hopefully the next pics will be in Delhi...airport waiting is painful.. so I may post some other pictures from Zurich or even TO if my plane is delayed. Hope all is well. Good luck to my grade niners..they are writing their History midterm today!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Overnight in TO

So, I am overnight in Toronto. Off to a late start with a delay in the airport (as always in my world!!). I managed to go out to dinner with Andre and my sister at a Greek restaurant with flaming Sagnaki and the whole gig, it was quite nice. It was also the first time I met my sister's boyfriend, which was a relief considering she uprooted her life out of Calgary and moved it out here. It looks like a nice life...although I can't say that I could ever get used to the transportation situation. Taira picked me up from the airport and Andre drove us home from the restaurant. Both experiences were slighly different than a drive from the Akropol to Waldeck.
I have few things to pick up here in TO before heading back to the airport. I thought I would sneak another posting on this blog, just in case I can't when I leave the country.
I am going to play with some of the pictures as well, and see if I can load them...keep your fingers crossed, it will be my test drive for pictures coming to you from India.

later gaters

Friday, January 19, 2007

Last Day of Comp Classes

I am always amazed at how lucky I am to work with such amazing people. Today, Heather Switzer made a beautiful cake that looked exactly like the Taj Mahal ( by exactly I mean the marshmallow pillars were incredibly tasty!)
My students made a signature sari for me to wear (which I believe was also the brainchild of the lovely Mrs Switzer) It was a beautiful send-off through the midst of finishing History notes, and Romeo and Juliet in modern day reflection.. a highligh from the last few days would have to be the Romeo and Juliet Fast Forwards :"Swear not by the inconstant gas prices..." would have to be the memorable phrase, as well as the extreme dramatization brought forth by my creative grade 9's.

I leave for Plunkett today, where I will be leaving Lishota with my Mom and Dad. It is more difficult to leave this time. I had coffee this morning with Lishota in my lap and I got a little teary. However, I believe the excitement of leaving for India will come soon enough...probably once I have actually packed. I am not sure about the internet postings in India, but I will try and keep this updated.

Farewell for now.